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Why not have a go at making your own playdough!
You will need –
1 tablespoon cooking oil.
Food coloring. …
1 cup water.
2 tsp cream of tartar.
1 cup plain flour.
1/2 cup salt.
1. In a large bowl, combine all of your dry ingredients and mix well. Or you can individually add your dry ingredients into the pan for cooking after you add in your wet ingredients.
2. In a large pot, add in the vegetable oil, food coloring and water (add your food coloring to your water first so it’s easier to mix in). Then stir.
3. Now slowly add in your dry ingredients. Cook over medium heat until the dough starts to form and becomes dry. Once it starts to form a ball and looks cooked, remove from the heat.
4. Let your dough cool and then knead. If the dough feels sticky, add more flour. If you would like more scent, you can add a little bit more then knead in. Knead for at least 5 minutes to get a good consistency for your playdough.

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